
回馈 to Our Community

十大网络彩票平台大全 和 十大网络彩票平台大全 as a company is known to:

  • give back to the community,
  • provide sustainability 和 eco-friendly support, 和
  • streamline services to benefit the customer 和 the carbon blueprint.

Taking a cue from these 全公司范围内的项目, 2019年 纳什维尔 & 伯明翰 特许经营创造了 以斯帖基金, an outreach program designed to positively influence the community.

以斯帖基金 logo for giving back


的 name for the fund comes from 的 Book of Esther in the Bible, verse 4:14. This verse inspired the franchise owner, 拉斯•康纳利, to make a significant change in his personal life 和 strengthened his sense of integrating community service 和 giving back into the company.

One of the main ingredients of the mission statement 和 purpose of 十大网络彩票平台大全 & 十大网络彩票平台大全 is to be a “shining light” in our community. We do not want our company to be only about generating an income or to make profits. We want to have a more meaningful purpose as well. We are a company that is made up of like-minded individuals who want to help others.

在这方面, we have created an outreach program where we donate a portion of our sales to others. 这个程序叫做 以斯帖基金. 的 name Esther means “star” so in that respect we intend to be a “shining light” in our community.


Each month these two franchises hold back 1% of their monthly sales revenue as “以斯帖基金”. 的 money is then distributed by the team member who has been designated as the “以斯帖捐赠” 那个月.

“以斯帖捐赠” role rotates monthly throughout the team, 和 the designated staff member selects a non-profit or 501c(3) organization to support. Doing this provides an opportunity for relationship-building between donor 和 recipient. It also enhances the gift of giving 和 personally involving the people who make up the 纳什维尔 & 伯明翰队.

在十大网络彩票平台大全 & 十大网络彩票平台大全, we encourage our staff to do more than just earn a paycheck; we hope to encourage generosity 和 inspire a gift-giving nature that emphasizes both the strengthening of our community 和 giving back to it. Through this journey, our teams have learned that to give is genuinely better than to receive.

的 letter below is what is included with each check personalized with the employee’s name inserted that chose the recipient organization. This is what the Esther Fund is all about.


To Whom It May Concern:
On behalf of , 十大网络彩票平台大全 & 十大网络彩票平台大全 would like to make a donation to your organization from our company’s Esther Fund. 的 following letter will serve as a summarization of 十大网络彩票平台大全 & 十大网络彩票平台大全’ outreach program named the Esther Fund.

One of the main ingredients of the mission statement 和 purpose of 十大网络彩票平台大全 & 十大网络彩票平台大全 is to be a “shining light” in our community. We do not want our company to be only about generating an income or to make profits. We want to have a more meaningful purpose as well. We are a company that is made up of like-minded individuals who want to help others. 在这方面, we have created an outreach program where we donate a portion of our sales to others. 这个程序叫做 the Esther Fund. 的 name Esther means “star” so in that respect we intend to be a “shining light” in our community.

In our own way we want to be a positive force with our neighbors. 谢谢你! for taking the time to learn more about 十大网络彩票平台大全 & 十大网络彩票平台大全艾斯特基金.

I hope that in some way our company has shared its mission of hope 和 light. 谢谢你!!

十大网络彩票平台大全 & 十大网络彩票平台大全

Non-Profits We Have Supported Include

士兵的孩子 活着的临终关怀 Alzheimer’s Association – 田纳西州 Chapter
American Heart Association – Hoops For Heart Assist 的 Officer Foundation Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Middle TN
大毛毛狗救援 Bikers Against Child Abuse 田纳西州 男孩 & Girls Clubs of West 阿拉巴马州
Cahaba生物 Challenged Athletes Playing Equally 城市景观
Clear Creek Community Church Club Knockout FOP Boxing Gym College Hills Church of Christ
Compassion 和 Hope Food Basket 希望的护航 克罗恩病 & Colitis Foundation – 田纳西州
废除奴隶制田纳西州 养活美国第一 法雷尔空心农场
Gilda’s Club of Middle 田纳西州 Gildas Club Middle 田纳西州 吉甲浸信会
Good Shepherd Childrens Home Grace United Methodist Church 温室部委
人类栖息地 爪子的栖息地 Hartsville Church of God of Prophecy
Healing H和s 国际 希望中心领养 & 家庭服务中心 妇女希望诊所
Hope Park Church – Benevolence HPFFACF Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Lebanon
Iglesia Cristiana Una Esperanza Viva Iglesia El Gran Yo Soy Iglesia Evangelica Casa de Oracion
Iglesia Mishkan Lugar de Adoracion Middle 田纳西州 Council – BSA 纳什维尔 Anti-human Trafficking Coalition
滋养食物银行 Silent No Longer 田纳西州  

Get a fast, free, no-obligation cost estimate from 十大网络彩票平台大全 & 十大网络彩票平台大全.

Provide some information on your needs, 和 we’ll get back to you right away with a figure you can use in your planning. 服务于大部分 田纳西州阿拉巴马州, including 纳什维尔, Chattanooga, 和 the rest of the United States!